4 Tips for Marketing to Seniors

  • September 29, 2021

The 65 and over community is an enormous market for the insurance industry. Not only are lots of "seniors" reaping the benefits of their carefully planned finances, but they also tend to invest in things like second homes, boats and RVs meant to be enjoyed during retirement that need insuring. This means that getting in front of them in the right way can be a huge game-changer for you and your agency.

Back in the day, prospects over the age of 65 could be reached via local TV ads and radio spots, or even word-of-mouth referrals. But these days, with social media to thank, there are more ways than ever to connect with this audience because... you guessed it... seniors are on social media now! They're gaming on their iPads and tablets. They're streaming television. They're more digitally savvy than most people know. Check out these basics when you're looking to connect with them:



It doesn't matter what kind of content you're putting out, the most important thing you can do is make it simple, to the point, and be sure it's appealing to clients over the age of 65.  Make yourself familiar to them by sharing images of your office, yourself, and your staff. Showcase the products you offer, explain what they can do for them specifically and then explain exactly why your products are better for them than your competitors.



Whether you're directing your audience to your Facebook page or your website, you want to be sure that everything is as clearly explained and easy to navigate as possible. Take time to ensure that your social media handles make sense and align seamlessly with your company name and that information on your website is not overly complicated. Also, be sure that any creative aspects of your campaign and any imagery it includes appeals to the proper age group.



The next, and trickiest, aspect of marketing to seniors is where to find them and how to connect with them. Your best bet for starting out online, if you choose to go that way, is FACEBOOK. Twitter and Instagram don't hold the same allure for the 65 and over community, and luckily for agents, Facebook is very insight-friendly when it comes to researching stats for ad campaigns. You'll be able to find the best times of day to reach your audience as well what kind of content is getting their attention and scooping up the most engagement.



Unlike some of the younger markets you try to reach, the older crowd is going to be more interested in what you stand for so this is an opportunity to shout it out, loud and proud. Talk about what your agency does in the community or any groups and organizations that you support. By showing your audience that your agency likes to give back to the people they work with and work for, you're going to build a certain element of trust.

Keeping in mind that seniors are a special audience for your agency and that they require certain modes of marketing content and modes of delivery will make a big difference in your efforts to reach them. Follow these few tips and see what works best for your agency. Best of luck!


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