The Insurance Soup Blog

5 Steps to Social Success for Insurance Agents

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Oct 12, 2021 6:04:00 PM

The insurance industry is not one for the shy or faint of heart. It's a business that one gets into knowing that there are going to be many social aspects to the job. Yes, an insurance agency is primarily responsible for the filing and handling of claims, collecting premiums and other more "all work and no play" type duties, but a huge side of insurance is selling, and selling always means social. Always. If you're getting into the insurance business, you need to be ready to bring your A game socially so you can have a shot at successful selling.



Part of being an insurance agent is having tough conversations with clients about potentially catastrophic events that have happened or could happen to greatly influence that client's life. Clients don't want to have to think about losing their home, or they're families being injured in an automobile accident, but these are the tough topics that agents have to cover with clients. Make sure that you're able to have these types of tough conversations with prospects in a way that makes them feel at ease and comforted right off the bat. You're not trying to scare them, you're just trying to navigate a tough topic sympathetically in order to build trust.



You're going to have to prove to your clients that you're a salesperson who cares about them, and then, once the sales are made, the proof had better be in the pudding. Agents who go the extra mile to make sure their clients are tended to regularly, efficiently and properly are going to have long-lasting business relationships with their clients. If you're an agent who routinely drops the ball, doesn't connect with your clients beyond the sale and/or renewal time, or if you're an agent who doesn't show up to meetings or makes clients wait, you won't be around in this industry for long.



These days, thanks to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, you can't hide from your clients behind your office door anymore. If you want to win clients and keep clients happy, you're going to be expected to engage with them on social media. Not only does having an active presence on social media make it easier for you and your agency to connect with people you wouldn't have been able to otherwise, but you're going to be creating stronger relationships with the clients you already have by interacting with them online.



There's an enormous amount of competition in the insurance industry, as every agent knows. Other agencies are striving to produce, just like yours is. This means it's not going to come easy. You've got to be sure you're ahead of the game at every angle. Is your website and social media doing what it needs to do and reaching the right people? Are your targeted ads working? Are you actively showing clients what you're doing better than the other guys? This is an important aspect of any business, but as an insurance agent, you're going to have to come prepared on all fronts if you want to succeed.



Insurance 101 says that it's easier to keep a client than it is to get a new one and this is likely one of the key social strategies that can lead to an agent's success (or demise). Taking care of the clients you have usually means that not only will they renew in order to stay with you for their insurance needs, but they're more likely to tell friends and family about you which leads to informed referrals. This is a powerful strategy that a lot of agents forget about when they're not calling clients back or when they're only interested in that primary sale. A happy customer is a long-term customer and that's what your agency needs to thrive.

It's not always easy for people, but if you're selling in the insurance industry you've got to be prepared to get out there and show your face, and then you've got to continually show up for your clients. If you follow these 5 basic steps to social success, we're sure you're going to have plenty of happy customers.