The Insurance Soup Blog

5 Things That Successful Insurance Agents Do

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Oct 6, 2020 6:04:00 PM

There really is no big mystery surrounding what it takes to be successful in business because a lot of what business owners need to do to stay on top is common sense. And by "successful in business" we don't mean owning a Fortune 500 agency because that's not every agent's goal. We mean closing business on whatever scale you sell. Interacting with clients successfully, providing solid products and meaningful customer service.

Of course there's a laundry list of the things that need to be done to keep your business thriving, but we've thrown together the top 5 things that we think are imperative to running a tight ship and keeping it sailing in the right direction for both you and your customers. 


Selling insurance is personal. You're not selling tailpipes at AutoZone, you're selling security and peace of mind. The same way a good medical professional is required to have a certain bedside manner, it will suit you best to have a certain level of empathy for your clients. The quickest way to lose business is to show that you're only out for a paycheck. Spend some time getting to know them so that you're able to form a level of trust that the customer will respond to and in turn, you'll be able to service them in the most effective way possible.



When it comes to writing policies, you'll see a lot of customers in similar situations whether it be from a financial or emotional standpoint. It's okay to act as if people's situations are similar as long as you're paying attention to see where something new needs to be addressed. Has someone lost a job? What can you do to help on your end? Has someone recently become sick? How can you add that extra bit of security? Staying attentive to a client's changing needs is the best way to create a lasting business relationship.



Insert every meaningful scene from the movie RUDY with Sean Astin here. Successful selling comes from learning how to take a hit and get back up again. Learning how to turn a NO into a YES. Always charging forward to find a way to make your customer happy. Always finding new ways to get to your goal. Knowing how to pivot to make a potential sale a closed sale is crucial to your success.



Your agency needs to be able to handle the bandwidth to serve your prospects and your clients. If you're promising an array of affordable P&C insurance, you need to have that array available to back it up. Be sure your agency is stocked full of products and services to make it a viable and attractive option for your clients and potential clients.



As the market changes, so will your client's requests and requirements. You have to be willing to always find new ways to serve them, to reach out to them and to remain relevant in the industry so that you can keep meeting their needs. Whether that means bringing your agency into the social media realm, making sure your website is top notch, or providing automation services so that you never miss a call, your client needs to know you're not going to be able to grow and change whenever necessary.

Whether you're a new agent starting out or you're running an established agency, it's always important to stay on top of the best ways to connect with a client. Your ultimate goal is to stay in business by creating quality relationships and providing quality products. These 5 tips should help get you there.