A Career In Insurance Might Not Be For You If...

  • November 4, 2020

We think it's safe to say that not everyone lands in a dream job that suits their personality while flawlessly and simultaneously meeting all of their financial needs right out of the gate. For most of us, there may be a handful of jobs or careers that we try out while hoping that one day we'll find what we're truly meant to do or what will truly suit our own definition of purpose.

For people in the insurance industry, there are few key things that can help you identify whether or not being an insurance sales agent is right for you. Do any of the issues below describe you?



It's true that selling insurance can be a very lucrative career, but if you're only in the industry for the money, you may want to look elsewhere. Most people would classify that as a job. If you want to work toward something long-term, like providing for your family or building your own career, insurance could truly be for you.



You’re not going to be making a ton of money selling insurance overnight. In fact, most veteran agents will tell you that they didn't make a ton of money when they were just starting out. Agents who are making a lot of money selling are doing so because they've spent years networking, pounding the pavement and building successful relationships with clients.



If you're more concerned about the rates you're negotiating with your clients than you are with the service and the quality of the coverage you're providing, you're setting yourself up to fail. Clients will be able to sense whether or not you're there to help them or to drive up costs on them. And it's the fastest possible way to lose business.



Your managers and recruiters can truly only help you so much, no matter what they promise. Selling insurance requires you to be a motivated, self-starter. Successful agents are ready to hit the ground running, ready to learn and are ready to be as independent as they're called upon to be. If you're someone who needs a certain degree of hand-holding to do your job, this one isn't for you.



Sitting in an office and quoting rates to people who call you by chance isn't a successful sales strategy. Truly successful agents know that their role is as much about sales and marketing as it is about writing policies. As an agent, you're essentially a business owner who needs to always be reaching new clients and presenting them with your product in creative, impactful ways. 

Selling insurance is certainly a dream career for some, but just like we're not all born to be starting centers in the NBA or Navy Seals, we're not always cut out for something just because we think we want to be. Make sure that you take a good look and the ins and outs of selling insurance before you commit too much of your time and energy on it.



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