The Insurance Soup Blog

A Case For Contacting Prospects On Saturdays

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Jun 4, 2021 5:34:00 PM

We're sorry in advance.

We know NO ONE wants to hear that they should be working on Saturdays. Insurance agents, like the rest of humanity, are working for the weekend each and every day. We crave our time off. We need that down time. And we relish it. BUT. Big BUT...there are real benefits to making calls to prospects on Saturdays. And here are some very compelling reasons why.



During the week, everyone is on the run. That goes for you AND your prospects. When you're in the office you're focused on several other things and may not have the time to answer typical prospect questions. If you're available on Saturday, you AND THE PROSPECT, will have more uninterrupted time to build chat and answer questions so you can get the consumer to get the policy they are looking for.



People shop around the clock now and they certainly do not take the weekends off. It's the opposite, in fact. The more you're front and center to respond to calls or to reach out to prospects, the more people you will speak to and the more policies you'll end up writing.



Making a commitment to making calls to new leads on Saturdays can give you an edge on your competitors.  If consumers are looking for insurance at that time and no one else is answering the phone to give them quotes and answer questions, there's a much higher chance you're going to get that business.



We can all agree that follow ups are extremely important to the success of your agency. Lots of times, follow ups get lost in the fray of other, more time sensitive work. If you take the weekends to follow-up with consumers you've quoted, you may as well make that a time to also speak with new leads.  If you're working anyways, you might as well add a few new calls to your list.



Most people are getting paid on Fridays. This means that you could be timing it perfectly for a prospect to have the extra money for an initial insurance payment.  This is a big deal because a prospect could LOVE you and want to work with you, but if you call at a time when they don't have the funds to get started with you, you'll miss the sale.



Accidents and disasters don't only happen between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm from Monday to Friday. If a client is in need on a weekend, at night, or during the holidays, they want to know that their agent is working and available. By making calls to prospects on Saturday, they're going to know that you're dedicated to being accessible to your clients at all times. This is a huge selling point once a prospect realizes they'll be able to get to you when they really need you.

If those reasons aren't enough to get you dialing on the weekends, we don't know what will. And we know. WE KNOW. Your Saturdays are precious. But if you consider carving out just an hour each Saturday morning to make a few calls, it could make a big difference to your book of business.