Of course we all know Halloween is a spooky time of year because of the ghosts, goblins and extra cavities, but most people overlook the hidden dangers that the season can post when it comes to their homeowner's insurance. Since the holiday means trick-or-treaters and their parents will likely be approaching your home, and in the dark of night, you're going to want to make sure you do a few things to keep your home and the kids in costumes safe. If your town is allowing trick-or-treating this year, you're going to want to plan ahead to keep visitors and your home safe.
Make sure the outside of your property is well-lit on Halloween night for TWO reasons. First, trick-or-treaters and their parents should be able to see where they're going in order to avoid trips and falls on the way to and from your home. The last thing you want on a fun evening is something getting injured on your property. Second, a well-lit home is more likely to keep mischief away. Occasional eggings, shaving cream dousing and toilet paperings are tricks that your teenage visitors might try to leave on your property. Shining a light on your home will likely keep them away.
There are lots of LED alternatives to candles these days. If you're using decorations that light up, make sure you're using battery powered lights instead of candles to avoid potential fire hazards. If you ARE using light-up decor, make sure there's no threat of bulbs becoming too hot and igniting paper or other materials on the decoration.
It doesn't hurt to take a walk around your house before it gets dark to make sure there's nothing that poses a safety threat to visitors. Check for tripping hazards, hoses and cords that could pose a threat to someone and low-hanging hanging branches. Anything that looks like it could poke, trip or tie someone up accidentally should be taken care of.
Even the sweetest and most mild of animals can get spooked on Halloween. Kids in costumes can easily freak out a normally calm dog and your friendly cat. The last thing you want is an animal attack on your property. Let the bats and spiders do all of the greeting at your home to keep visitors, and yourself, safe from any unpleasant accidents.
The best way to keep you home and all those who approach it looking for treats this Halloween season is to be prepared. Follow these simple tips and you should be in good shape on the scariest of nights!