Career Agent Concepts HORROR STORIES

  • July 22, 2021

We know it's not Halloween, but we believe that there's never a wrong time for a cautionary tale when it comes to running your business and your personal success. Yesterday someone in the Insurance Soup group on Facebook had asked for some CAC horror stories because all they read and hear about are the success stories. 

Generally there are a few common "horror stories" that we have come across...

Agents who do not want to put in work - now I know that sounds cliche' but think about it - you're learning something you have literally zero to very little experience at... wouldn't it be weird to pick it up and just be a whiz?
Agents who do not want to put money behind their advertising efforts - they think the answer to all their woes is to learn ads instead of buying leads... Well... yeah they're better, cheaper, and exclusive... but a $5/day budget when leads come in for $3-7 each will only get you 1 a day AVERAGE... if you lack opportunity in your Agency ... dropping $5 a day into your lead gen efforts isn't cutting it - you're spending more on lunch. 
Agents who think that if they just own CAC that they will be better
Agents who try one or two things and don't get the results they want immediately and walk away with their arms folded
Agents who begin to get lost on social media and begin to focus more on generating leads than closing business
Agents who make a lot of friends in the group and then start to play more than work

Nothing too out of the box there. NOW.  The BIGGEST problem that we see in CAC is the one below and it happens to every Agent at some point. It's when that first campaign hits and they realize that they do not have the systems, hours, or manpower needed to handle the avalanche of opportunity that starts to flow. From that first campaign that hits, the Agent has an Aha moment. For some that moment comes 3 days in, for some 3 weeks in, for some 2 months in. 

The biggest problem they have in their Agency is figuring out how to manage all the opportunities. 

We are not a magic pill or a silver bullet and we have NEVER pretended to be or act like it.

We are an education and a mastermind and your success will come hand in hand with your effort, the relationships you form, and the time you spend learning.

You do not go to the gym for an evening and then pose in front of the mirror admiring your results. 

But know that if ANY program promises you manna from heaven with little to no work, you probably should take pause. 

Does every Agent that goes through CAC come out the other side a success? Nope. Why should they? Have you seen some of your peers? Do you think they could pull off being successful at ANYTHING? Half the carriers hand out appointments to pulses and it shows.

So no, we can not put a guarantee of success on our product. 

Hell a lot of you that come to us can't look in the mirror and confidently say that your Agency will be successful and that's ENTIRELY on you. So how can our education, the one that YOU need to implement that, the one that THOUSANDS are having success with... be our fault when you don't or won't put in the work?

We can't promise you that you will be successful with CAC. 
Most are. 
You'll find some complainers in the wilderness. 
We don't coddle. 
We don't let you know that your failing is ok. 
We don't tell you what you want to hear. 
We will call you on your bullshit when you say something isn't working and you've only completed 6% of the education. 
We don't always say things the sweetest. 

What I can promise you with CAC is that if you are looking to take control of your marketing, learn how to implement automation, increase your referral partner army, have an agent family that looks out for you, master social media, and more, there's not a better spot to learn it in the industry than with us. 

Hell most of the other people teaching right now are former clients of ours that charge MORE for far less education, far less support, and far less success. We're over 3000 clients into this... and most of them wind up cheerleaders, friends, and supporters. 

If you are on the quest to be self-sufficient, financially more efficient, and in total control with your marketing... and if you want to have fun while doing it,  CAC is for you. 

Don't join looking for magic.  Join looking to work. 

Know that you will get everything you invested in yourself for and more.


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