Case of the Mondays? Try These Cures

  • October 5, 2020

If you're the kind of person who bounds out of bed on Monday morning and heads out for a quick 5K during which you gather all of your peaceful and blessed intentions for the week, I've probably fantasized about choking you to death because EWW. Just be normal and hate Mondays with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns like Garfield taught us. 

If you're on Team MONDAY CAN SUCK IT like I am, don't worry, it's not a personality flaw. Your sleep pattern being forced to change, your ability to socialize being taken away and the suddenness of being thrust back into stress zones causing more people to have strokes or heart attacks on Mondays are all scientifically-based reasons for your day-of-the-week disdain. You're not just grumpy. It's science.

Still, if you’re someone who wants to try to turn that frown upside down, we've put together a few pick-me-ups to stop Monday from getting you down. Check them out.


If you roll out of the house in the pajamas you've been wearing since Friday night, you're obviously going to feel stuck in the weekend. Get up, get showered and get dressed so you can feel fresh and spiffy going into the new week. Maybe wear something you haven't worn in a while or dress yourself up a bit more than you would on a normal weekday.


Make Monday a mandatory day to get out of the office and meet up with a friend for lunch. It gives you something to look forward to and it means you don't have to pack Sunday leftovers or a sad salad for lunch.


It sounds cheesy, but make yourself a playlist with all of your favorite feel-good songs and put it on repeat for the day. Don't want your co-workers to know you listen to Barry Manilow and Miley Cyrus? It's ok! Use your headphones, turn that mix up and get your freak on.


Designate Monday as the day to cook your favorite meal for dinner and plan ahead to make it. This way you know when you finally get home, all of the ingredients are there and dinner will be easy to put together. Plus it'll be something you love!


Exercise is about as close to Monday on the list of things people hate, but we all know that working out gives us a boost of endorphins which can create a feeling of euphoria. Exercise has also been proven to reduce stress, help decrease anxiety and depression, boost self-esteem and improve sleep.

Mondays will continue to suck because we've all got a little Garfield in us. There's no getting around it unless you're willing to put in a little effort to make the best of a day that's supposed to be bad. Give your Monday a chance to shine with these tips and as always, keep working for the weekend.


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