The Insurance Soup Blog

Email Marketing Mistakes Insurance Agents Should Avoid

Written by Taylor Dobbie | May 26, 2021 8:25:00 PM

If you're running a modern insurance agency, it's likely that you're using some type of automation, whether it be complete marketing automation or the use of a chatbot on your website or social media. If you are, you might be debating whether or not email marketing is really necessary on top of everything else. We're here to tell you that it is.

Email marketing is essential for the simple and undeniable fact that you're able to reach a large, curated group of clients and/or prospects with the click of a button. If you take into consideration that the person at the other end of that email is going to formulate their opinion about you at first click, you're going to want to make sure that that click is going to give them something polished, professional and set up to bring you maximum ROI.

​We want to help you get there so we're giving you some very common mistakes that you should avoid when setting up your email marketing. Take a look!



If you're sending emails that make your prospects feel like they've been sent out by a robot, they're goners from the word GO. If someone has signed on to receive your emails, they know it's because you're going to try to sell them something, so make sure you're using each opportunity to show them who you are and that you're more than someone who's just trying to make a sale.



As an agent, it's likely that you've purchased email lists from lead vendors. ​And chances are, there's no one in your agency who is making it a priority to go through those email lists to check for typos, to remove the emails that get bounced back and to get rid of email addresses that don't exist at all. The best way to remedy this is to try your best to build an organic email list and to have a designated team member who can keep it clean so your agency is getting the engagement possible for your efforts.



In terms of insurance email marketing, if you aren't sending enough emails, it can be a huge snafu. Your emails should be timed according to your sales cycle so that you're contacting leads and providing information in a way that gives you the best chances capitalizing on that opportunity. Make sure you're reaching out at least every few days so that when your prospect is ready to make a move, you'll be the first on their list of calls to make.



If you're sending image heavy emails to your subscribers, they're going to automatically think you're sending them an ad and this is a huge turn off. You don't want every point of contact you make to be so sales heavy. Instead of using an image, take the opportunity to ask a question. Leads are more likely to open an email that looks conversational and engaging as opposed to a blatant, in-your-face call to buy something from you.

Although it seems complicated and like it could be way more work than you want to take on, we promise you that email marketing is something you can not overlook in your agency. Spending some quality time fine tuning your lists and your email strategies is sure to bring your agency some solid ROI.