Go Old School And Start Knocking On Doors Again

  • August 11, 2021

Insurance agents doing business in the 2020s have much to be thankful for when it comes to technology. Automated marketing, online claims processing and social media networking are just a few of the innovations that are making what agents do easier. And while all of these technological advances are saving time and increasing accessibility, there's always the question of "Does easier mean better?' Maybe not always.

If you're finding yourself in a selling rut despite all the shortcuts that have been made available to you, maybe it's time to bring it back to basics. That's right. We're talking about going old school and taking it to the streets, door by door by door. Below are a few tips that could make switching up your sales game by visiting homes and introducing yourself to prospects in your community a success. Check them out!



Before you even step out into the light of day, you've got research to do. In order to give yourself the best shot at success on the streets, you want to know where your demographic target is based on your products. Are you going to hit up businesses or are you going to go into residential areas? Are you well-versed on the challenges affecting people in the areas you plan to visit? All of these things need to be considered before you start knocking on doors or you're walking out without a viable sales strategy.




Once you've identified your target demo and the areas you plan to hit, it's time to decide what your goals are and how you plan to hit them. Industry averages suggest that you'll sell 1 in every 40 doors you knock on but that won't always be the case depending on where you live, time of day and the amount of and quality of the research you've done beforehand. 




The door-to-door game is a tough one in 2021 since most people will hide under their beds when there's a knock on the door these days. This is why being prepared for rejections right out of the gate and having a strong plan to deal with them is vital to your success. Be sure to include some trial closes in your pitch so that you can get a sense of whether or not your prospect is interested at all. Be sure you're coming across friendly, genuinely and non-threatening from the word HELLO.



In order to get your prospect to keep the door open, you're going to need to make them see that you're trustworthy and that you're offering a service that they can benefit from. Be sure to break the ice by using your first name, talking about the neighborhood and being forthcoming. No one wants to feel like they're being worked. Build trust by leaving space between you and the customer and listening to their answers to whatever questions you're asking.



If you've managed to actually begin a conversation with a prospect, the finesse is about to REALLY get real. Begin asking the questions you've deemed most important in your research. Is this prospect in need of your product? Are they willing to work with you or do they already have a contact? If so, are they willing to explore your product to see if it's better than what they're currently using.



At this point, if the door is still open, you should be well into the pitch you've prepared.  If possible, offer a range of prices and services so that you can meet any level of need that might appeal to the prospect. Prospects need to know that they'll have options and won't be tied to a single product if they decide to work with you. If the client seems interested but not ready to buy, be sure to get all of the relevant information so that you can circle back with them at a later date.

Door-to-door selling may seem like an outdated practice for the insurance salespeople from another generation, but that doesn't mean it didn't work at one time. You may meet someone who prefers to do business face to face or someone who is greatly in need, but doesn't have access to the technology they'd need to reach you otherwise. If you're heading out to knock on doors, remember to be prepared, be careful and be courteous and you just might be surprised what going old school could do for you.


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