The Insurance Soup Blog

How Agencies Can Capitalize During Summer Months

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Jul 21, 2021 8:16:00 PM

For everyone, summer is a time to relax. Maybe your kids are off from school and it's the best opportunity for you and your family to get away for a bit. Or maybe you're just spending extra time at the beach or on the golf course because of the great weather. However you celebrate summer, if you're an insurance agent, it can become easy to let sales slip a bit in the months of June, July and August. Check out our tips below for staying on top of your business so that you're set up for success when the leaves start changing color in the fall.



Taking some time in the summer to get in touch with clients to discuss their existing policies is a great practice. You may find that lots of your clients are slowing down for the season and have some extra time to chat. You can check in to see if anything has changed which would require additional coverage and you can even cross sell if you see an opportunity to do so. This is a great way to stay on top of a client and let them know that you're looking out for them even when it seems things have slowed down everywhere else for the summer.



Whether you attend educational workshops, seminars or virtual conferences or OFFER them, the summer is an excellent time for you and your staff to get your learn on. Choosing to spearhead and host a symposium related to insurance and/or anything your agency specializes in, is an important way to gain visibility for your agency and build credibility around yourself and your business. On the flip side, seeking out and getting involved in any kind of offered continuing education is a great way to capitalize on any free time that you may have.



You may have it made in the shade when it comes to your already-established customer base and if you do, then there's no harm in exploring a new one. There's a chance you could strike out by reaching out to a new audience, but you don't know until you try. Purchase some new leads in a new demographic and you just might surprise yourself.



The summer months are a particularly excellent time to casually catch up with staff. Maybe invite your producers in for a meeting and center it around an event that the entire staff can enjoy together. Maybe a concert, a long dinner out or a company picnic. It's a good time for you to address key business points with the most important people in your agency - ALL OF THEM - while also showing them that you appreciate the hard work they do all year by giving back with a fun celebration of some sort.

Lots of other people may tell you to work through your vacations, but insurance agents need breaks too! So we suggest trying out some of the tips suggested above to see if you can get ahead of the game while still taking in the joys of the summer season. Have fun!