How Insurance Agents are Increasing E-Mail Open and Click Rates

  • February 28, 2020


The year was 1995. 
Your e-mail list was the goose that laid the golden egg and every time you pressed send you knew that some of those high worth eggs would come tumbling on out.
Open rates were upwards of 70%
Open rates have held steady around 20 percent for a bit – sounds good right? 1 in 5 opening your email!
Wait before we get into the weeds here – if youre not already a member of Insurance Soup – jump in there would you? 30,000 of our peers are sharing the best strategies in our industry for free. We are all getting better together.
Back to why we’re here. 

Here are the gritty and not pretty facts behind that 1 in 5 open rate though… Click rates on Insurance Industry emails are only at 2.13% in 2019 – that means that for every 100 emails you sent out… only 2 opened your email AND clicked on your offer.
The good news is that only .25% of all people on insurance based email lists opted out of emails in 2019
All these stats are according to Mailchimp.
All that said – only 1 in 5 open your emails and only 2 out of 100 do anything with it. 

How do we increase our e-mail open rates?
Simple solution.

Ringless voicemail.
Wait, what? – How would ringless voicemail increase a persons chances or opening your email and then taking action on it?
Simple – it is setting the stage that the correspondence was important.
If you send out an email today at 9:18am… about anything at all – you could be sending an email with a picture of a blue duck for all it matters… 

Why a blue duck?

​Because in 1995 when email was a very strong tool, Billy Madison always wanted to see a Blue Duck…
I digress.
So you sent the email out that morning…
And then at 2:41pm you send out a ringless voicemail that says something like this
“Hey it’s Mike over here at Career Insurance Agents – I shot you an email I need you to take a look at earlier today. Can you give me some feedback on what I sent you please? Call me back at 555-1212”
Guess what?
That email that you sent that may be sitting in a spam folder.. may be sitting unopened… may have been assumed to be junk….
Is now being opened because of the personalization of the situation with the ringless voicemail.
Now your efforts are going significantly further than ever before – not only are MORE people OPENING your email… but more people are CLICKING on links in your email… 
Want to take this up to 11?
With the right system in place you can also receive notifications on who is opening what email and when…
So if you can monitor who is opening e-mails when… you can now also strike while the iron is hot and coincidentially drop in on them within minutes of your being on their mind.
Automation is changing the way we are capable of communicating and the right strategies can throttle our marketing efforts significantly.
Old ideas are relevant again with some new twists. New forms of communicating are on the horizon. Technology has and is evolving to allow for truly creative ways to get and stay in front of our adudiences.
If you are looking to learn automation, it is an ongoing conversation in Insurance Soup, our free group of over 30,000 Agents, Brokers, and Team Members – no corporate, outside vendors, recruiters, spammers, or meaniepants allowed! We have a lot of fun in there while still keeping the conversation on point about becoming better Agents.
If you are already utilizing an Automation Platform and have not thought to try this simple and easy strategy to throttle your efforts your day just got a lot better.
If you need an automation platform, check out – The all in 1 tool costs less than most offices phone bills and includes inbound/outbound calls, dialer, ringless voicemail, email, text messaging, forms, survey software, landing pages, document signing, calendar booking, call recording, voice bots, and more.
Not only does it boast the largest set of incredibly useful communication tools for Agents in the market, it comes with scripts, templates, a Facebook group for support, videos, a course, and daily ongoing live chat support.
Schedule a demo here >>
Automation is the way to go from small Agency to (on the surface) big Agency without having to invest more in payroll.
It can not replace humans in their entirety but as far as getting conversations started there is nothing more cost efficient, powerful, and targeted.
If you are looking to take your efforts up to 11 and learn all the different ways automation can help you not only with marketing, but cross selling, servicing, winning clients back, managing your x-dates, and earning you referral partners…
Hop into Soup and learn all the ways Agents are currently leveraging technology to win every day... or schedule a demo of Agency Elephant today! 


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