How To Hold The Perfect Client Meeting

  • December 9, 2020

As an insurance agent, it's likely that you're in and out of meetings all the time. When you're bouncing around from one meeting to another, it's easy to start to shed some of your finesse for the sake of time and energy. While it may not be easy, It's important to treat each client conversation with the right attitude and preparation to get the most out of it. So whether those meetings are in person, over the phone or via Zoom as has been the case for the last 10 months for most, you want to make sure that you're prepared for success going in.

When you consider the opportunities that a one-on-one meeting offers an agent in terms of finding ways to add value and cross-selling to a client or prospect, you've got to go in ready to learn everything you can and find ways to build trust and create a solution for your client's needs. Here are some ways to get yourself ready.



This seems like a no-brainer but if it gets missed and there's agent/client confusion on time and meeting location, you've already started off on the wrong foot. Always assume that your client's time is equally, if not more, important than your own so youR first step should be making sure all is in line for the meeting to get off without a hitch. Remind clients, prospects and staff members when and where the meeting is and what they need to bring  to it (if anything).



If you're going into a meeting blindly without doing your research on your client, you're adding time and struggle to the meeting. Prepare yourself by going over prospect referrals and checking in on current client status before the call takes place. This way you're already aware of the client's needs going in and the ball is already rolling by the time you meet.



This is selling 101. The more you listen to your client and absorb what they're telling you, the greater your chance will be to create an offer that will specifically meet their needs. Ask the right questions and take notes, only offering useful advice or comments when it's necessary. This will also show the client that you're there to focus on THEM and how to help them, not to make a sale.



If you're bringing any kind of marketing materials, sales documents or forms to be signed, make sure that everything is tightly organized and good quality before you present it to your client or prospect. Pulling a wad of crumpled papers with old receipts and gum wrappers out of your briefcase while your client looks on is NOT a good look.



By this point in your meeting, you should have gleaned enough information from your research and your conversation to respond thoughtfully to what your client has told you. Most agents are equipped with a decent level of sales training. Some of that training should include how to have a proper conversation with a client. If your agency has scripts available to use before you're comfortable with "free-styling" on your own, definitely take advantage of them because there are definitely wrong and right ways to conduct sales conversations.



After this all that's left is to wrap it up. Once you've finished your meeting it's IMPERATIVE to follow up. This is something that many agents overlook and it's a huge missed opportunity. Never assume that your client is going to reach out to you. Be sure to have strategies in place to touch base with your client or prospect to go over the meeting and offer your assistance again.

Meetings can become old-hat after you've been selling for a long time but it's important to treat each one like a unique experience since each client will present you with unique opportunities. By following these steps, you should be well on your way to making a sale and creating a client/agent relationship that will last.


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