How To Optimize Your Business's Facebook Profile

  • January 25, 2021


A lot of agents and agencies think it's enough just to BE on social media, but there are ways to maximize all parts of your Facebook profile to help you and your business. It's important to take some time to see which platform will work best for you and your agency and once you've chosen, Facebook in this case, there are 3 important elements for you to focus on.



When setting up your profile on Facebook, you have to first consider your brand or your business's message. You're going to be posting creative content to your profile and you want that content to attract the right follower for your brand so that you can spark their interest in it. This means that your message needs to continually be pointing to what your followers needs, wants and like are. For example,  if your business focuses on local customers and prospects, your message should include content about your community.



The scroll of social media is never ending and it can move fast so you want to be sure that what you're posting is aesthetically pleasing to the people whose feeds you're reaching. This means you're going to want all of your images to be high-quality and high-resolution for a professional look. Profile pictures, cover photos and any content that goes up in your feed will speak to the quality of your brand.



When you've determined your brand's voice, it's important to make sure that that voice carries through in all of your content.  This means everything from emails to social media posts to company letterhead. The voice of your brand needs to be consistent to create a unified experience when dealing with your business.



Well, once you've settled on your brand's message, the types of content you want to post and the voice of your business, it's time to head to Facebook to get started.

Facebook, as you probably know, is a daily part of most people's lives these days, and whether we like it or not, it's essential for your brand to be there since that's likely where your customers are. With Facebook, you can have personal and business profiles. Most people prefer to keep their personal page private and to create a business page for their brand, so the two don't become too intertwined.

The process of setting up your business page is pretty straight forward. Facebook makes it very easy for brands to get started. If your brand plans to run ads, that's where things get more involved, but for now, you just want to be searchable by clients who have an interest in you so that you can grow an audience.

​When setting up your business page, think of what you look for when searching for a business. You want to be sure to include your location, your phone number, a description of what your business is and what it does. Including your website link is a definite MUST as well.

Once your page is set up, you're going to want to let your customers and potential prospects know that you're there by asking them to follow you! Be sure to have links on your website and in your email correspondence so it's quick and easy for people to click through and follow.

Optimizing Facebook for your business is a powerful way for agents to find new leads and engage existing customers. Remember, after you create your profile, you need to post to it continually. Consistency is the key!


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