The Insurance Soup Blog

How To Use Facebook Custom Audiences In Your Agency

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Oct 26, 2017 8:05:00 PM

It's 2017!  It's time to start marketing like it. 

Now days there is so much technology out there that will accomplish the same task that even just 5-10 years ago would have cost agents hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to do. Say for example an agent wanted to send out a post card to wish their book of business of 2000 households a Merry Christmas. They would have to not only pay for the postcard itself but also the stamps. Those bad boys are 49 cents a PIECE! You're talking almost $1,000 in stamps alone. Now add in the fancy postcards and it's getting pretty pricey. 

What if I were to show you a way to accomplish the same thing but on a more personal level, that's a fraction of the cost and allowed your clients to feel like you care more about them than a 15 cent postcard?
With 81% of the US population on Facebook, its a pretty safe bet that majority of your clients fall into that group. Facebook has become the most powerful marketing tool for small business owners over the last few years and only continues to get better. They have supplied you with deadly accurate and precise tools to target exactly who you're looking to reach. So why not use the tools provided and move into the new age?

One of the many ways you can utilize their platform right away without having to be some kind of marketing ninja is by using Facebook Custom Audiences.  

You see, every Facebook account has an email and cell phone number associated with it. By uploading your list of either cell phone or email addresses into your Facebook Ads Manager to create a custom audience, you can then target just the people on that list. By doing this you can really tailor your message and speak directly to them. 

But I don't know how to set up a custom audience...... No worries! Just follow these steps:

Create a list of either email addresses or phone numbers using your

customer data and save your list in CSV or TXT format​​
Go into your Ads Manager 
Go to the Audiences Tab in Ads Manager.

Click the Create Audience button, select the Custom Audience option

 Choose Customer File

Click Add Customers From Your Own File

Upload the CSV or TXT file list you previously saved or easily

drag and drop your file to the Custom Audience box​

Your Custom Audience will be ready in about 30 minutes

Then you simply create your ad and choose your new Custom Audience and set your budget.

​Whether it be trying to stay in front of your clients on a more regular basis, working on win back campaigns, sending out holiday greetings, weather alerts or just getting your pretty face in front of them, you can do so for pennies on the dollars compared to other platforms out there. 

For $5 a day, you could hit your book of business with a video ad (which are the cheapest traffic of any ad style) multiple times within a 30 day period. Can you imagine your book of business seeing you on video a couple of times a month, dropping reminders to winterize their vehicles, homes, sprinkler systems and pool or maybe informing them ahead of time about termite season and giving your personal recommendations for who to use to prevent major headaches down the road.

When Facebook starts to be used as a tool in your business and not just a place to gossip and creep on your friends or family, you begin to stand out from the rest.

If you're interested in learning more about in depth Facebook marketing strategies like the one above, schedule a spot on one of the Career Agent Concepts webinars and join over 450+ agents from all around the country in the most active and sought after insurance marketing programs available. >>> Http://
Written by: Taylor Dobbie
Co-Founder of the #1 and most popular Insurance marketing course, Career Agent Concepts.