The Insurance Soup Blog

ICYMI: EXCITING NEWS FROM Career Agent Concepts!

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Jun 21, 2021 8:23:00 PM


Just recently, Mike McCormick made an important announcement in our private Insurance Soup Facebook group (click to join if you haven't already) about Career Agent Concepts. If you're new to everything Soup, then you should know that Career Agent Concepts is our  education program that teaches insurance agents the newest and most complete guide to social media marketing strategies, lead generation and agency automation.

​Check out Mike's news about CAC below!

"We have been getting a LOT of messages in the general inquiries email about where Career Agent Concepts has been the last 2 months.

People want to join. They waited months to save up or get the bosses permission or to make a decision because they research and think things over a bit before doing anything... and were just not available to purchase.

Frustrating I know.

While its already been the most popular, successful, and longest running education and mastermind for Agents looking to learn automation, lead gen, and referral partner growth... we decided to shut it down.

Career Agent Concepts is NO MORE.

It is getting updated and upgraded with all new strategies and ads and approaches....


And incorporating every and ALL aspects of Agency life.

Its now an Agency Mastermind with a FOCUS on marketing and automation, but covering everything else such as hiring, firing, office culture, comp plans, carrier tips tricks and hacks, compliance, tech, sales, increasing profitability, and a slew of other conversations.

We took a step back and looked down Soup highway. Looked at what we offer. What the industry offers. What the audience wants. And once again, we put it together.

So all the marketing stuff you love from us is all STILL going to be very much available. Bigger, better, faster, and more in fact. But as a PART of an Agency Mastermind where our members will also be taking a more active role in sharing, participating, and in some cases even presenting.

We are retiring the Guru model and moving to a Mastermind model. We know a lot but, we don't know it all. Together, we get closer to knowing closer to it all. Or to having someone in our network that has the answer we need.

Keep an eye out shortly for presales and webinars. We will be offering the Mastermind at a less expensive price point prior to launch for the early action takers. Unlike CAC, this will give you an opportunity to bring your whole Agency in if you'd like.

CAC is rebranding, expanding, and evolving.

It will be back shortly. New name. Logo. Fonts. Colors. All the rebranded things.

Keep an eye out for presale webinars coming to a SOUP near you... SOOOON."