The Insurance Soup Blog

Mike's Core Message About Running Your Agency

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Jul 19, 2021 7:30:00 PM


If you're an active participant in Insurance Soup's Facebook group, you know that Mike, Taylor, Brian, Matt and CJ are always giving you the best of what they have to offer. Whether it's real=time business tips, morale boosting cheerleading or high quality comedy to break up your day, these guys are always voices you can go to for a daily bump.

Recently Mike posted something in the group that I (Katey - the content creator) feel needs to be put on blast because it comes from the heart. HIS heart obviously, which I see him lifting up and holding over the ledge every day in a real-life and ongoing manner. Like Musafa holding Simba over the ledge, offering him to the world. This is his one key offering, in my opinion. 

​Please read and take it to your own heart. It's the core of what he, and everyone in this group, is offering to you.

Stop looking for a hero.

I can not tell you how many Agents I have come across over the last 5 years that are on the hunt for their career hero.

The guru that will change everything for them.
The mastermind that will take them from ordinary to extraordinary.
The vendor that will just make insurance easy and make them look like a stud.

Guys... stop looking for a hero.

The hero..... is you.

We have been very fortunate to have a number of products and services that do very well with you guys. By and large MOST of you excel very heavily with them. Some of you do not. And generally speaking when we look into the accounts or courses or files we have on the Agent with whatever service of ours they're using... they got through 7% of the course.

They ran out one text blast. Never ran a single campaign or automation. They never logged into their scripts after day 2. They never launched a post with a chatbot attached to it or if they did they did it somewhere no one sees it.

And when we SPEAK to those Agents, it's "I tried to do one thing once from the course and it didn't work so I moved on. The course doesn't work." (Is the course not working... or you?)

It's "I only got 13 quote requests from a text blast and I see other people in the group getting over 30."

It's "I used the scripts for a day and a half and didn't close anything. I was told it was going to raise my closing ratio." 

It's all of these and other assorted excuses.

Vendors in this industry are looking to work with you. That is obvious. But what is NOT obvious to many Agents is that you are entering into a paid partnership of sorts with that vendor, coach, or guru.

They are not promising you that they will be your hero. YOU ARE THE HERO IN YOUR STORY.

THEY WILL NOT... CAN NOT... and SHOULD NOT be looking to SAVE YOU. Their business is not "saving agents". Most vendors' business model is "Helping Agents excel at."


Helping you excel at whatever their product, service, or expertise may be.
When you are looking for help or solutions or ideas for your Agency do not fall head over heels with anyone, anything, or any idea like it is going to be your career savior.

Your career savior yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every day until you retire... is YOU.