October Holidays and #NATIONALDAYS to Market Around in Your Agency

  • October 1, 2021


Whether you're in the mood to create some social media content while staying on-brand for October, there's a lot more for you to capitalize on beyond the changing fall weather or Halloween at the end of the month. There are tons of monthly holidays to create extended themes around, as well as daily #NationalDays for you to jump on board with. And based on the hashtags for different food days, individuals days, pet days, ailment days, military days, or industry days — it seems like each and every day is a public day of recognition for someone or something on Twitter and Instagram.

Just because this list is extensive, it doesn't mean every one is going to automatically align with your agency and it's message. You're going to need to get crafty to come up with ideas to make the best themes work for your business. Even still, there are sure to be some special times of the month that fit your agency's niche. 

Below are complete lists of October's monthly holidays, as well as national days which are great for creating posts with popular trending hashtags.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Emotional Wellness Month
Employee Ownership Month
Financial Planning Month
Global Diversity Awareness Month
International Strategic Planning Month
National Bake and Decorate Month
National Cookbook Month
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
National Ergonomics Month
National Fair Trade Month
National Work and Family Month
Positive Attitude Month
Right Brainers Rule! Month
Self-Promotion Month
Workplace Politics Awareness Month
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
National Work From Home Week, October 4-10
Get Organized Week, October 4-10
Customer Service Week, October 4-10
Drive Safely Work Week, October 7-11

International Coffee Day, October 1
World Vegetarian Day, October 1
World Smile Day, October 1
Taco Day, October 4
World Mental Health Day, October 10
Physician’s Assistant Day, October 12
Coming Out Day, October 11
Columbus Day, October 11
Indigenous People’s Day, October 11
Canadian Thanksgiving, October 11
Dessert Day, October 14
Boss’s Day, October 16
Pasta Day, October 17
Sweetest Day, October 16
Evaluate Your Life Day, October 19
International Nacho Day, October 21
Make a Difference Day, October 23
United Nations Day, October 24
National Cat Day #NationalCatDay, October 29
Halloween, October 31