The Insurance Soup Blog

THOUGHTS FROM THE SOUP - How To Scale Your Agency

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Sep 30, 2021 6:33:00 PM

​One of the hardest things to do is scale your business. We're all able to build successful businesses that reach the limits of our own personal capacity. The problem most find is in scaling. And the reason so many Agents struggle to scale is because THEY are the reason for their success currently and to SCALE they need more of THEM in the office, but they do not HIRE more of them.

They do not hire the fire-in-their-belly-entrepreneurially-minded go getter.

They hire people looking for jobs. They hire people with limited skill sets. They hire people with limited education. They hire people with limited ambition and drive.

And Agencies quickly learn that 1 plus 1 does not equal 2.

1+1 may = 1.5. It may even only mean 1.25.

Training and supervising also pulls the rockstar away from the stage they performed so well on to build that $1.5-2M Agency.

Scaling requires systems and processes.

Scaling can not rely solely on the current talent in your office.

Scaling often will mean doing things completely different than what got you to the point you are at now.

And that is where many Agencies get caught up. The confusion of "Why isn't what has always worked, working anymore?"

And if you are not willing to systemize, if you are not willing to process, if you are not willing to create a culture where no one is more important than the next... and if you are not ready to be an ongoing and eager student, you will rise to whatever level of success you attain... and level off.

And THAT is the exact point I see so many Agents who were ONCE super ambitious, settle into the idea that "This is the size my Agency will be."

Now for many, thats fine. I was surprised a number of years ago by how many people are looking to just earn $X and maintain a book. I swore we were all trying to take over the world. The truth is, some of us are not.

But if YOU are and you are stalling out, consider why.

Are you as efficient as you can be? Is everyone in the office? Are you delivering a consistent delivery regardless of the day of the week, time of day, and staff member helping? Are you keeping up with the trends and evolution of the industry and business?

The dinosaurs winding down the Agency they launched in 1977 will tell you they made adjustments along the way and petered out when they stopped.

Why arent you?

Stop relying on luck and talent so heavily and begin working on installing scalable systems that anyone can fit into.

You will write more premium, help more families, and never be held hostage to that asshole employee that writes 3x more than everyone else.

Your clients, wallet, family, employees, and Agency will thank you.