The Insurance Soup Blog

'Tis The Season For Saying Thanks!

Written by Taylor Dobbie | Nov 16, 2020 7:10:00 PM
Most successful insurance agents will tell you that the work you put in after you've made the sale is just as important as the sale itself. Since customer service essentially begins after the sale, this is when the agent-client relationship really begins to take shape. Continuing to look after your clients and make sure they're getting the attention they need and deserve is something you can never overlook if you want to KEEP your client, and the holidays are no exception.

As the season of giving rolls in, taking the time to send along even a small token of your thanks can mean a big deal to your clients. We've come up with a few simple but meaningful ways that you can reach out to your customers to express your appreciation this month.


People are used to getting holiday cards from family and friends this time of year, but a handwritten note from their insurance agent could be an unexpected surprise. Of course it would take you a very long time to sit down and pen lengthy personalized notes to each of your clients, but even a card with a couple of handwritten sentences can make a big impact. Try something short and sweet like, "I wanted to take a moment to thank you for doing business with me this year! Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season."


If you or someone in your agency is tech-savvy, a short video to post on YouTube and send to your clients via email is a great way to show your thanks. Make it fun and show your personality. You don't need to send a video to each client, but a general thanks in the video with a personalized email is a sure way to brighten your client's day.


Receiving a call from an insurance agent when there is no business to be done will be a very welcome surprise for your customers. Take a moment to say hello and ask how they're doing. Say you're just checking in to say thank you and wish them a happy holiday season. Your clients will appreciate the call and remember it when it's time to renew.


Sure, gift cards for each of your clients could get VERY expensive, but if you purchase several $5 gift cards for a cup of coffee or a hot cocoa and mail them out with a since thank you note and some sweet holiday wishes, your client will be thinking of you the next time they need a pick-me-up.


Schedule a small event at your office and invite clients to pop in throughout the event for a glass of punch and some cookies. You could give out some company swag as gifts and maybe even have a staff member dress up as your favorite holiday character to pose for pictures with. The open invite makes it a nice, casual way for clients to stop by if it fits in with their busy schedules.


If you and your customer are connected via social media, that's a great way to give a quick shout out and thank your client for their business. It may not be as intimate as a handwritten note, but it'll still show your client that you were thinking of them and you wanted to show your thanks.

Whatever way you choose to reach out and recognize your clients this time of year, doing so in small ways will mean a great deal to many. Showing your clients that they're more to you than a number on a spreadsheet will keep them coming back to do business with you year after year.