The Insurance Soup Blog

Walking Meetings and Why You Should Have Them

Written by Taylor Dobbie | May 11, 2021 5:40:00 PM

Most of us have the same reaction at the thought of a newly scheduled meeting. Immediately we picture the standard, sit-down meeting in a cramped office where everyone can smell each other's stale coffee breath. BOOOORING. These types of meetings generally get the job done, but what if you could host meetings that people actually look forward to attending?

Enter the "walking meeting". Walking meetings are exactly what they sound like, meetings or targeted conversations that take place while walking, usually outside. It may sound silly, but there are actually lots of benefits to having this type of meeting. Like we mentioned, employees and team members might actually look forward to a change of scenery and some fresh air but you're actually keeping them healthy and getting work done at the same time.  Here are a few more reasons you might want to bring the walking meeting into your rotation whenever possible.

We've all fallen prey to lack of motivation on the job no matter how much caffeine we ingest. This is nothing new in the workplace. Meetings on the move are a great way to shake things up and get your team's creative juices flowing. When your team is able to move around and ditch the standard meeting set-up, you're bound to see new and interesting ideas pop up!

In your standard meeting setup, you're in a conference room or an office with the "higher ups" front and center, leading the charge while the team sits and listens. Walking meetings put every team member on the same level in their hierarchy because the traditional, more formal barriers are gone. This can make bosses seem less intimidating which can lead to more team members speaking up!

Suggesting a walking meeting shows your employees two things. First, that you care about their mental well being. You know that sitting in a stuffy office on a beautiful day is the last thing anyone wants to do. By offering to take the meeting outside and lighten things up, you're most likely giving your staff an immediate boost, mentally and physically. Second, you're ACTUALLY improving their health by getting them outside and getting them moving. It's a win all around.

By moving a meeting outside, you’re stimulating some of the most creative parts of your brain. Add to that getting out of what can be an area that promotes stress (your desk), you’re doing all the right things to help alleviate the stress that comes with decision-making. If you find yourself spinning your wheels endlessly over one choice, grab a coworker and hit the streets—you may arrive at your answer sooner than you’d think.

If you and yours are part of a big company, the chances that everyone gets to work together are slim to none. Bringing employees together for a walking meeting helps promote a sense of teamwork and communication, especially when it takes place with a smaller group. This collaborative spirit could be helpful for solving tough problems or brainstorming new and exciting ideas entirely. And employees to bounce ideas off new people which could lead to entirely different spins on an old idea.

Whether you and your team are back in the office or still working from home, getting outside during a meeting can help you think clearer, give you a much-needed break from the same four walls you've been staring at, and help you lead a healthier life. If you're looking to boost, well... pretty much everything in your communal workspace, give walking meetings a try!