Why An Online Community Helps Your Business

  • September 22, 2020
Whether we like it or not, it's a social world we live in now. Everyone is in one social community or another. It's almost hard to fathom not being tuned in to some sort of social network to either stay in touch with friends or to assist us in our daily lives. We're Facebooking, we're Istagramming, we're Googling, we're Zooming, we're DoorDashing, etc. If we're my mom, we're still trying to figure out MySpace on a Commodore 64, but regardless, we're looking for our people.

We know how and why we approach these communities in our personal lives, but if we own our business, an online presence can be an extremely valuable asset. In Carrer Agent Concepts we teach you how to tap into those social networks in order to build, manage and profit from your own online community.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider starting one for your business.


One word. ACCESSIBILITY. If you've got a Facebook group, an Instagram page or a Twitter account, chances are, you're engaging and conversing with customers every day. They know you're there behind the keyboard. This means they know they can get to you if they need to. If they have a question, a comment or a concern, they know you're a few clicks or a few taps away. This accessibility creates amazing opportunities for customer retention that wouldn't be available otherwise.


Having a presence online invites people in and naturally people will begin to converse and create relationships inside the group. What you've got then is an organic space for clients and potential customers to interact and share ideas with one another. For example - Oh, you're a craft brewer? Joe Facebook in your group, his friend runs a fall festival in your area.  Maybe they've got tables left for vendors. He's going to send you a link. BOOM. Once you've got people talking about your business and the like in one space, these types of collaborations can take place naturally.


The most popular and widely used social platforms are free. You can certainly pay for ads, which is something we teach you in CAC, but starting out and building your tribe takes a lot of content sourcing and sharing of information about you and your business. And that just takes time and energy, but no money. There are more expensive ways of building groups and pages on social media, but if you give it time and do it properly, you can save yourself a ton of money.

If you're looking to create an online presence for your business, tapping into the social media is key. It's where your customers spend their time and share their thoughts. You want to be in their feeds if you want them as your customer.