The Insurance Soup Blog

Why Your Agency Website Needs A Blog

Written by Taylor Dobbie | May 24, 2021 5:24:00 PM
Insurance agents know that one staple of a successful business is having a fully comprehensive and updated website. But is having an up-to-date website enough? These days, the answer is no. If you really want to take your website and what you're providing to your clientele to the next level, you should consider hosting a blog on your site.

Blogs are more than what you may think they are in the traditional sense. They aren't online journals. They're an opportunity to increase the visibility and credibility of your company to consumers. Regularly posting quality content on your site that will be of some help or interest to your clients or prospects can go a long way in helping them decide to do business with you.

Not sold yet? Here are a few more reasons you might want to consider a blog on your site.


If you're shopping around for insurance and you see a site that offers loads of helpful content about a variety of different products you're in the market for, you're likely going to feel better about doing business with that company. 


If you set your blog up to allow comments, you'll probably have some readers leave messages for you in that section. Whether it's a note to say they learned something from what you wrote or to ask an additional question, it's a great chance for you to connect with potential clients and to start building relationships.


If you're going to the trouble to create all of this additional content on your blog, then you're going to find that it's also perfect content for you to share on your agency's social media accounts. This creates lots of opportunities beyond your own website for people to get eyes on your content, to engage with it and share it with their own friends and clients.



Yes, having great blog content on your site helps your prospects and clients consume potentially valuable information, but it's also helping you out. A LOT. This is thanks to SEO - search engine optimization. When you're writing blog posts about insurance and things that affect insurance customers and/or agents, you're using relevant keywords that get your blog posts to appear ahead of others in search engine results. This means they have a better chance of being clicked on and driving people to your website. BOOM. Winning.



If your agency site is getting extra traffic thanks to your blog posts, you'll have the chance to turn those clicks into potential customers. Each new piece of content may give you the opportunity to generate leads, and the way to do that may be by adding a call-to-action to each blog post. Try offering something that consumers will give up their contact information for, such as a free consultation or quote. Once you have their contact information, your sales team can follow up with those leads.

From a practical standpoint, adding a blog to your agency website just makes sense. You can help to boost search engine rankings, build credibility, increase website traffic and foster relationships with customers. This, in turn, may make your readers more likely to hire you or purchase products from your company, in addition to recommending your business to others.