Your Mom Gave You Life... You Can Give Her Life Insurance For Mother's Day

  • May 4, 2021

Mother's Day is just 5 short days away and it's likely that you either haven't found the moms in your life the perfect gift yet, or maybe you're going with one of the same old things you get them every year. Flowers, perfume or gift cards to their stores will surely put a smile on their faces, but this year you can give your mom, wife or even sister a different type of gift. It might sound strange, but the gift of a term life insurance policy could be just what moms need!

Purchasing a life insurance policy and naming a mom in your life as the beneficiary will show them that you're thinking past bouquets and boutique gift cards and instead, giving to them in the long term. If this sounds completely crazy to you, we get it. But if you're still on the fence about what to get, here are a few of the benefits of shaking things up and giving the gift of life insurance this year.


Chances are that you've got lots of planning to do for Mother's Day and running around, and then standing in line at a packed department store isn't going to work for your schedule. This is a great bonus when giving life insurance. because you can apply for term life insurance online. And - even better -  if you're approved, coverage starts instantly. This gives you plenty of time to research which term life insurance policy is best to give and to work on that Mother's Day brunch you said you'd host.


Yes. Flowers are always a beautiful gesture, this time of year especially, but they last a short while and then they're gone. Taking out a life insurance policy that would be paid to your loved one if anything were to happen to you, is a powerful way to say “I love you" and "I want you and our family to be taken care of." It means you're thinking about their well-being which is the ultimate gesture of love.



Still in the very real wake of the pandemic, everyone is thinking more about the future of their families and how to keep them safe. There's no way that giving the gift of a little extra security during these uncertain times would go unappreciated. And it's never too soon to get life insurance since younger people generally receive lower premiums.


​Ladies love big gestures and this is one big gesture that won't break the bank. Policies for women typically cost less than policies for men. That’s because women tend to outlive men by five or more years, which makes them less of a risk and thus cheaper to insure. This means that you can hit it out of the park both sentimentally and financially.




When you give someone a life insurance policy as a gift, you're alleviating a certain level of stress about the future. If it's a young mom in your life, this policy could mean the difference between replacing an entire income or putting a child through college. If it's for a more seasoned mom, it could ease the stress of potential medical or general living expenses.

The way we see it, mom can get chocolates and hand lotion from you any time of the year, but maybe Mother's Day is the perfect time to show mom that you're thinking about her on the next level. A life insurance policy will say just that, and then some.