Frequently asked questions


Plain and simple, a Facebook messenger bot is program that lives within the Messenger platform of your business Facebook page. It allows you to automate conversations, generate and qualify leads, and integrate with 3rd party applications.

Tacobot is a Facebook Messenger bot that is specifically designed to help insurance and real estate professionals generate high quality, high intent leads.

Obviously getting traffic to your bot is very important. You can trigger your bot in 5 main ways - although each way can be customized to make dozens more. Here are the main way you can send users to your bot; Post Comments - Tacobot can monitor the post comments on your Facebook posts. It can be set up to reply to all or comments that match a certain rule. This allows you to take people that are commenting on your posts, and push them into Messenger to interact with the bot. Ads - Tacobot will supercharge your Facebook ads by adding a “personal touch” to ad traffic. Ads can trigger people to have conversations with your bots and push them through a sales funnel to conversion. As of creating this, average lead costs from Tacobot users is averaging less than $2 per - however your efforts will dictate how well it does. Links - Tacobot can be triggered by link clicks. This allows you to post links to your bot in emails, Facebook Groups, etc and push people into Messenger. Website Plugin - Tacobot comes with a plugin for your website that will allow your bot to capture website visitors and turn them into conversations in Messenger. Think “Live Chat.” You can see a demo of this on this agency website: www.hutins.com Messenger Scan Codes - This is link a QR code, but just for Facebook Messenger. People can scan your Messenger codes with their phones (using Messenger) and trigger the bot. This is a super effective tool for events, trade shows, car dealerships, etc.

Yes. Tacobot comes plug & play with detailed instructions and an online education course. Tacobot subscribers are also accepted into a private support group of other users to discuss strategy, best practices, etc

No, there is never a contract with Tacobot subscriptions.